Public employment services tracking effectiveness in supporting rural NEETs

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EURYO - European Rural Youth Observatory. Visit our website


Communication WP

Coordination team: UMA (Spain); ISCTE (Portugal).

Specific goal: to have operationalized effective internal and external communication, from M1 to M28.

Our communication strategy will focus on 5 target groups.

We will focus on policy-makers to influence their decisions for (re)structuring on-theground policies and programs aiming at rural NEETs’ PES tracking. Here, the key

message is that their decisions will deliver better results when they are evidencedriven. This will be achieved through 3 types of activities: involvement of policy-makers and regional/national level in good-practices validation workshops; organization of hearings in regional/national parliaments in each partner country and another hearing at the European Parliament, in collaboration with the European Commission DG Employment; dissemination activities (conferences, national popular media articles).

We will also target PES professionals (managers/case workers) to influence them in incorporating validated PES tracking support types’ good-practices. The key message here is that knowledge and validated tools will empower them to deliver tracking support more effectively. This will encompass 3 types of activities: participation in dedicated conferences (e.g. project road-show); online involvement for validated practices’ dissemination (webinars, infographics); and testimonial videos.

We will also speak to researchers and PhD students that assess employment policies’ implementation to influence them to adopt validated research protocols. Here, we will

communicate that well-driven impact best-practices research will improve the quality and outreach of their research plans. Conferences and webinars will help to engage

the scientific community.

We will also communicate with rural NEETs. We intend to raise their awareness about effective PES tracking support and to improve the odds of these youths using PES

services to job search. We want to spread a message here about how and why PES might help NEETs to find a job.

We believe the same communication goals and key messages apply to the general public. This will be achieved through testimonial videos, infographics, participation in dedicated discussion sessions in our conferences, and individual debriefing after participation in the research process.

The above mentioned specific goals for different audiences will be streamed through a concise, user-friendly communication guide.
The guide will specify our key communication principles: clear identification of EEA and Norway Grants in all events/communication tools; on-going involvement of targeted groups at all stages of the project; use of diverse communication tools to reach different audiences; use of storytelling as a relevant communication approach to external communication tools (e.g. videos).The guide will also indicate communication platforms (website, mainstream and specialized social media) to be considered for each activity.


1. Communication guide delivered (M1)

2. Project website launched (M3)

3. Social media presence implemented in Facebook, Twitter, Researchgate and Instagram (M3 to M28)

4. Kick-off event organized (M4)

5. Webinars program dedicated to researchers and PES professionals delivered (M20 to M28)

6. Popular media opinion articles published - at least one for each country during the project timeline (M6-M28)

7. Testimonial video series published (12 videos) (Project partners; policy-makers; PES professionals, NEETs) (M6 to M28)

8. Infographics series for results’ dissemination published (M15 to M28)

9. Results debriefing to youths implemented (M26 to M28)

10. Final international conference organized (M28)

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