Public employment services tracking effectiveness in supporting rural NEETs

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Scientific publications (Papers and Special issues)

Active Labour Market Policies and Youth Employment in European Peripheries (Special Issue)

Academic Editors: Francisco Simões (ISCTE—University Institute of Lisbon) and Jale Tosun (Heidelberg University)

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Table of Contents

Active Labour Market Policies and Youth Employment in European Peripheries

Francisco Simões and Jale Tosun

Public Employment Services and Vulnerable Youth in the EU: The Case of Rural NEETs

Francisco Simões and Elena Marta

Public Employment Services' Responses to the Pandemic: Examples from Portugal, Bulgaria, and Lithuania

Ana Sofia Ribeiro, Vladislava Lendzhova, Sonata Vyšniauskienė, Tatiana Ferreira, João Carlos Sousa, Isabel Roque, Kerli Kõiv, Katrin Saks, Omeed Agahi, Òscar Prieto‐Flores and Niall O’Higgins

Subjective Well‐Being of NEETs and Employability: A Study of Non‐Urban Youths in Spain, Italy, and Portugal

Paolo Mazzocchi, Omeed Agahi, Mai Beilmann, Leonor Bettencourt, Rūta Brazienė, Natalia Edisherashvili, Dilyana Keranova, Elena Marta, Valentina Milenkova, Niall O’Higgins, Federica Pizzolante, Òscar Prieto-Flores, Antonella Rocca, Ricardo Borges Rodrigues, Miriam Rosa, Francisco Simões and Borislav Yurukov


NEETs and Youth Guarantee Registration: Examining the Link to Past Undeclared Work

Antonella Rocca, Omeed Agahi, Mai Beilmann, Leonor Bettencourt, Natalia Edisherashvili, Elena Marta, Paolo Mazzocchi, Niall O’Higgins, Federica Pizzolante, Òscar Prieto-Flores, Ricardo Borges Rodrigues, Miriam Rosa and Francisco Simões


Digital Transformation and Digital Competences of Urban and Rural Polish Youths

Łukasz Tomczyk


Territorial Configurations of School‐To‐Work Outcomes in Europe

Ruggero Cefalo, Rosario Scandurra and Yuri Kazepov


The Importance of a Coordinated Career Guidance System in Addressing the Rural NEETs Issue

Blanka Bálint, Balázs Telegdy and Ede Lázár


The Impact of Multilevel Governmental Policy on Rural Catalonia: Voices From the Grassroots

Omeed Agahi, Maria Isabel Pell Dempere, Jordi Feu, Eduard Carrera and Òscar Prieto-Flores


The Youth Guarantee, Vulnerability, and Social Exclusion Among NEETs in Southern Europe

Niall O'Higgins and Kate Brockie


NEETs in Norway: A Scoping Review

Guro Øydgard, Ann-Torill Tørrisplass and Janne Paulsen Breimo


Active Labour Market Policies for Rural NEETs in Lithuania: A Case of Rural Municipalities

Daiva Skučienė and Rūta Brazienė


Young People's Perceptions of Youth Unemployment: Insights From 11 European Countries

Jale Tosun, Bogdan Voicu and Claudia Petrescu


Strategies for Engaging and Outreaching NEETs in Italy: Insights From Active Labour Policies

Adriano Mauro Ellena, Daniela Marzana and Maura Pozzi

by Daniela Marzana, Adriano Mauro Ellena, Sara Martinez-Damia, Ana Sofia Ribeiro, Isabel Roque, João Carlos Sousa, Omeed Agahi, Maria Isabel Pell Dempere and Òscar Prieto-Flores


Soc. Sci. 202413(1), 7; (registering DOI)

(This article belongs to the Section Work, Employment and the Labor Market)


The NEET phenomenon in southern Europe is particularly alarming. Most studies have focused on analysing the socio-demographic characteristics of NEET and policies directed towards them, but more research is needed regarding the psychological aspects that underlie this condition. This paper, grounded in the bioecological model, aims to analyse the psychological dimensions regarding the functioning of Public Employment Services (PESs) in three countries that rely on the South Mediterranean welfare model. Between November 2022 and September 2023, research was conducted across six rural PES locations in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, based on interviews and focus groups with PES operators and young NEET users. Thematic analysis identified two central axes: Enhancing Relationships and Building Strategic Action, which were crucial for improving NEET-PES interactions and fostering connections between PES and other community entities. The results highlighted the importance of psychological elements in the effective involvement of NEETs in policy initiatives.


Keywords: PESrural NEETsSouth Mediterranean countriesyouth employmentemployment policies

Claudia PetrescuBogdan VoicuChristin Heinz-Fischer & Jale Tosun 

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume 11, Article number: 226 (2024)


Young people Not in Employment, Education, or Training (NEET) have become a target population of policymaking in Europe. After one decade of political attention and corresponding policy action, we consider it a good time to take stock of the literature that has dealt with young people who are classified as NEET and the policies adopted in response to the risk of leaving this group of vulnerable individuals behind. To this end, we carry out a systematic review of 83 articles published between 2011 and 2022 in pertinent journals indexed in the Web of Science (WoS). Our scoping review investigates how i) NEETs are defined in the literature, ii) which factors the authors have reported to be relevant for explaining whether a young person becomes NEET, and iii) how policymakers have responded to the existence of this group. We find that there exists no unanimous definition in the literature of young people classified as NEET, even though the European Union has enacted policies that target them. Our review also highlights that individual-level factors as much as contextual variables and policies determine the likelihood of individuals entering into the NEET status and that it matters whether young people live in urban or rural areas. Lastly, the literature has shown that European policymakers have adopted a wide range of policy responses in order to engage young people in employment, training, or education.

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