Public employment services tracking effectiveness in supporting rural NEETs

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Rural NEETs transition to the labour market: The role of Public Employment Services 

Grande Auditório
ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

 Cidade Universitária de Lisboa - Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

Official Program



5th April 2022

* All hours in WEST (Lisbon time zone)

10:00-10:30 | Opening ceremony

10.30-11.30 | Why should rural NEETs matter to both research and society?

Moderator: Ana Sofia Ribeiro | ICS – University of Lisbon (Portugal)

Francisco Simões | Iscte – Coordinator of the Tr@ck-IN project (Portugal): Rural NEETs: What do we know so far?

Elena Marta | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Cocoordinator of the Tr@ck-IN project (Italy): Tr@ck-IN project: Reaching to a model of Public Employment Services support effectiveness in tracking rural NEETs

11.30-11:50 | Coffee-break

11.50-13.00 | How can employment services become more effective in supporting young people?

Moderator: Maria Manuel Vieira | ICS – University of Lisbon (Portugal)

Massimilano Mascherini | Eurofound: Youth employment trends in the aftermath of COVID-19

Shane Niall O’Higgins | International Labor Organization: Young Rural NEETs: Trends and challenges
Paulo Marques & Rita Guimarães | Iscte (Portugal) – Youth Employment Observatory (Portugal): Youth employment in Portugal (2019-2021): What are the key challenges labour market policies need to address?

13:00-14:30 | Lunch

14.30-15.45 | Programs and policies targeting rural NEETs: An overview powered by the Rural NEET Youth Network

Moderator: Vladislava Lendzhova

Claudia Petrescu | Quality of Life Research Institute (Romania): Youth Guarantee Programme - lessons learned from the 2014-2020 implementation period

Paul Flynn | NUI Galway- Ireland: The role of youth voice in shaping educational policy and actions that target youth NEETs

Stefan Bojnec | University of Primorska - Slovenia: NEETs policies: A comparison of member and nonmember EU countries (Slovenia and Moldova) with a focus on hidden NEET.

Emre Erdogan | Istanbul Bilgi University - Turkey  NEET Rural-Urban Ecosystems: The Role of Urban Social Innovation Diffusion in Supporting Sustainable Rural Pathways to Education, Employment, and Training.


15.45-16.00 | Coffee-break 

16.00-17.00 | Round-table: Is digitalization needed to improve rural NEETs training and employment prospects?

Moderator: Òscar Prieto-Flores | University of Girona (Spain)

François Dumora | International Labour Organization

Luís Nunes | Iscte

17.00-17.30Concluding remarks

Miriam Rosa | Iscte (Portugal)

Ricardo Rodrigues | Iscte (Portugal)


* All hours in WEST (Lisbon time zone)


Official Program
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