Public employment services tracking effectiveness in supporting rural NEETs

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EURYO - European Rural Youth Observatory. Visit our website


Collaboration & Training WP

Coordination team: South-West University (Bulgaria); Co-coordination: AYE (Estonia); ISCTE (Portugal).

Specific goal: to uphold immediate and long-term engagement of key stakeholders and researchers in rural PES impact assessment with our consortium. Thus, this WP platform designed to ensure the consortium’s sustainability.

The collaboration dimension of this WP is associated with all the scientific WPs, ensuring coherence and unity between different specific goals and tasks. With this

dimension, we seek to gather national and international stakeholders to cooperate on the short-term (meaning the project lifetime) in research protocols development,

discussion of research findings, and effective dissemination of our PES tracking support types’ assessment model. The key activities leading to immediate collaboration

will be the transnational workshops. On the long-run, this cooperation among multiple stakeholders will be streamed into a working group on PES effective support for rural

vulnerable youths. The key stakeholders to be involved here are: representatives of international organizations, researchers, policy-makers, and PES professionals

whether from public or private (NGOs) sectors, depending on PES deliverance structure in each partner country. During the project duration, international stakeholders will be included in a permanent advisory board, including: three representatives of the expertise partners (one from the University of Heidelberg, two from ILO) and two members of international organizations, including the Head of the Social Policies Unit at Eurofound (Massimiliano Mascherini) and a representative of the Board of the European Network of Public Employment Services (to be appointed). The national stakeholders will be invited on an ad-hoc basis by the local organizers, in collaboration with the work package coordination team, according to the activities venues and features.

The training dimension of this WP seeks to ensure that researchers, especially early career researchers and PhD students acquire and apply knowledge about PES

tracking support types’ evaluation. During the project, this line of action will involve: (a) an international summer school on rural PES impact assessment, open to the

participation of 30 researchers, mostly from outside the consortium, with at least one participant from each beneficiary country; and (b) a webinars program, involving talks

with highly reputed researchers on the fields of youth studies and youth (un)employment inside and outside the consortium. In 2024, training will also land in our working group in the form of online courses, webinars or young researchers’ mentoring as described earlier.

This WP activities will lead to a paper summarizing our evaluation model of PES tracking support types for rural NEETs. This output will be developed in coordination with the different scientific WP and will a central piece of future collaborative and training activities, beyond 2024.


1. WP team monitoring meeting implemented (M1 to M28)

2. 1st transnational workshop: Study 1 protocol presented and discussed with stakeholders (M3)

3. 2nd transnational workshop: Study 2 protocol presented and discussed with stakeholders (M3)

4. 3rd transnational workshop: Study 3 guide discussed with experts (M6)

5. 4th transnational workshop: Study 2 case replicability validation by experts (M12)

6. Regional/national parliamentary hearings in all partner countries implemented (M18 to M23)

7. Summer training school (M25)

8. 5th Transnational workshop: Avenues for disseminating impact assessment (M25)

9. Guide of PES tracking support types’ impact assessment published (M26)

10. Paper summarizing an evaluation model of PES tracking support types for rural NEETs submitted (M28)

11. Hearing at the European Parliament implemented (M28)

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